Not sure which Size/Color is right for you?
Choose 2 Hat Wigs that you would love to try and enter promo code TRYON at checkout.
This Promo is only available within the United States of America.
You will only be charged the cost of one wig.
Once you receive the Hat Wigs, you have 5 days to try them on and make a decision. Take photos, ask friends, and be sure to reach out to us if you have any questions at all.
After 5 days, which one are you?
1. "I found the wig for me!"
Yay! We love to hear it. Pack up the other wig and ship it back to us in the same packaging with the provided return label. Scan the return QR code that came in your order and we will go over your order to make sure we have received all payments due for the wig you are keeping.
2. "Neither are working out"
Aw man! We still want to chat with you to figure out which Hustle Wig is right for you. In the meantime, scan the return QR code that came in your order, pack up the wigs and ship it back to us in the same packaging with the provided return label. Once we receive them, please allow up to 7 days to refund your purchase.
3."I like a bit of each"
This is what the try on option is designed for! Scan the QR code that says exchange and fill out the form. While we get started on your new order, pack up the wigs and ship it back to us in the same packaging with the provided return label.